
Troy Assoignon

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Transformations, not transactions using big picture thinking...

The Lesson Greetings from Troy,When you’re selling higher-end packages, you’re selling a transformation, and it’s very different from selling a product. While they have similar principles, the fundamentals are significantly different. In this type of sales, it’s important to build genuine relationships rather than treating clients transactionally. You know the kind of people that only call you when they need something? They remembered you have season tickets to their favorite sports team, or...

The Lesson Greetings from Troy,Making someone feel comfortable and welcome allows you to get to the truth. When you’re making a sale, you need to dive into “the gap” with them, of where they’re at and where they want to go. For you to make a sale, they need to trust you enough to tell you the challenges they want to overcome and believe that you have the solution. Without proper rapport, we just get surface level conversation. This reminds me, earlier last week I shot a new interview for the...

The Lesson Greetings from Troy,Just wrapped a client call. Female.CEO of a big consultancy.54 years old with extensive experience.Driven. She has endless opportunities, and business is doing really well. The conversation was focused on leverage and all of the opportunities that her company has to grow, but running out of time in the day to get to all of them.Here’s what I said to her:“Let’s pinpoint the characteristics in people that have sent you the most business in the past, and what...

The Lesson Greetings from Troy,Did you know that the majority of success in landing high-end projects boils down to one key factor? It’s not what you think, it’s your self-confidence. Many consultants, experts and entrepreneurs I’ve spoken with over the last few years often struggle with this. Often the difference between landing a big project, and pricing higher end projects is predicated on your level of belief you have in your work. This comes down to self-esteem, and self-confidence and...

The Lesson Greetings from Troy,Consultants and experts often fall into two categories...1. Being just like everyone else2. Creating a category of ONEThe goal is to be unique and sought after for your expertise.Having future clients and prospects say..."I already know I want to work with you, how do we start?"That's what I want for every consultant.There is SO much opportunity in the marketplace regardless of boom times and down times, that the majority of experts and consultants can...

The Lesson Greetings from Troy,I have so many exciting things to share this week. This will be a JUICY email. Highlights:1. YT Channel & Killer Expert Interview2. Custom Sales Process for Consultants I released a YT channel, and a killer interview with the Managing Director of Strategy Consulting for Fujitsu - Stefan Denz! It's long, and jam packed with is about 46 mins, so buckle up... Life gets busy, I know! Here are the top 15 take aways from our chat that I really enjoyed......

The Lesson Greetings from Troy,Everything moves in cycles.You have many factors that influence these cycles, you have interest rates, you have total available cashflow, you have excess job seekers, you have a number of instances that push on and influence markets.For example: Historically, summertime is a really bad time to launch an advertising campaign. The numbers that held steady before summertime, fluctuate and often times spike during summer months.Folks get pre-occupied with...

The Lesson Greetings from Troy,You want your prospects to ALWAYS take the best next steps for themselves.Regardless if that means working with you or NOT.The goal of any sales conversation, is that the person seeking help finds the help they need.The most "in demand" consultant doesn't need work.Wanting work, vs needing work are two different realities.I want more clients, but I really don't need them. I'm taken care of by my current folks, and I'm pleased to be working with them.I'd like to...

The Lesson Greetings from Troy,Everyone wants to be guided, and everyone wants to be led. However, they only want to be lead by someone that genuinely has their best interest at heart.If they feel that? - They give them their business- Their loyalty- Their referrals and...- Ultimately their trust Every client, project and price always has a little nuance.Contrary to popular belief, many folks I see want to start a course to kickstart their consulting career.Personally? I think thats a wrong...

The Lesson Greetings from Troy,I'm working with a consultant right now, and he mentioned this one thing that I found pretty critical. We were talking about routines, going to the gym, eating right, etc.Being an entrepreneur sometimes is like training to be an athlete...- Workouts- Adequate Sleep- Managing Energy- Nutrition & Supplementation- Battling off Depression- Focusing on Recovery- Social TimeDoing all these things helps you stay on point so the demands of your business don’t crush you...