
Internal Success

They Laughed When He Launched A Consulting Practice, But When He Brought On High Value Clients They Asked How

Helping you price, package and sell your services. Grow your consulting, mentorship or coaching practice that gives you more free time, cashflow and excitement to wakeup and build something you love.

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Top 3 Myths of The Consulting Industry

The Lesson Greetings from Troy,This week we’re myth busting some beliefs around consulting, and how to think about a career as a consultant.My FIRST consulting contract was for a cleaning company. They observed what I had put together in my construction career, they knew I was good at marketing and was just a few steps ahead of them. (major key here)We helped them find monthly revenue, instead of focusing solely on one off contracts. We developed a system to reduce their chargebacks on...

3 days ago • 3 min read

The Lesson Greetings from Troy,Why systems thinking could change your reality, re-organize your emotions and give you the momentum you've always desired.So, when we start something it usually comes from a fiery, inspired place.However, one unfortunate truth of the universe is it doesn't always stay that way. The law of diminishing returns states the more you get something, the less it feeds you, the less it inspires you, motivates you and lights your soul on fire.Weird right? Well, to combat...

10 days ago • 2 min read

The Lesson Greetings from Troy,A lack of patience always changes our outcomes.Success is often disguised as hard work, dressed in coveralls. Commit long term and you'll reap the rewards.Picture a gap between two peaks. Your current idea is a bridge that needs building. That bridge, will get you to the other side. Then, you switch directions.You go back, you start building another bridge... ....(Another new idea)And another bridge...Now you're left with a bunch of half built bridges, and...

17 days ago • 3 min read

The Lesson Greetings from Troy,It's personal.She was getting overwhelmed with content, personal branding, and tying it all together. She has 2 businesses, and one her.One is a B2C service company that provides cashflow from her skills, the other is a B2B company that is somewhat related that she wants to sell off.There was a common thread amongst the two, can you guess what it was?The person, the person running the brands.The only thing that makes a personal brand unique, is the person behind...

24 days ago • 2 min read

The Lesson Greetings from Troy,Since the dawn of time, we've been borrowing, stealing and using hunting strategies.You read that right.Hunting.If we couldn't catch a meal, we'd perish. We'd ask the successful hunters what they're doing, and how they're doing it. The better we could get at hunting, the more likely we could score a meal for our family.Thousands of years later, enters capitalism and grocery stores.We don't need to know where the food comes from, we just need to know where the...

about 1 month ago • 2 min read

The Lesson Greetings from Troy,Every product is purchased for a better future.Talking with a consultant this week, and they were sick and tired of selling one off sessions, and they wanted to increase their prices and package their services in a new and improved way.Every product and offer is selling a transformation, no matter what it is that you sell. When you buy a bottle of water, you're buying the transformation.Dry Mouth ---> Wet Mouth Thirsty ---> Hydrated Overly simplified, but that's...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

The Lesson Greetings from Troy,It's a common trap: building a business modelled after someone else's success, only to find out that it doesn't fulfill you.They key? Identifying what you don't want is just a crucial as knowing what you do. Let's flip the script and start working backwards. This way we can avoid the actions we take along the way that lead us further away from what we do want.Remember, a cardinal rule of marketing is that individuals are often more motivated to escape what they...

about 2 months ago • 1 min read

The Lesson Dateline Cabo Pulmo, Baja CaliforniaGreetings from Troy,We spent the day in the ocean exploring reefs with close family friends, we hopped on a boat early in the morning, and on of the missions was to find a giant school of of Big Eyed Jack's...a huge ball of them, likely 5000 fish or more in one shoal.Why do they travel like this? Their goal is to cast a shadow, a shadow so large that predators from a distance are intimidated.You could relate this to building a consulting...

about 2 months ago • 2 min read

3 Mindsets A Prosperous Consultant Can Adopt To Maximize Success Greetings from Troy,I was on the phone today with an aspiring consultant.Skilled at what he does, wanting to break into the market.Want's more time freedom, wants to travel more and be less bogged down by client work delivering projects all the time.1. Value-First Pricing StrategiesThe most important aspect, is your pricing. You price based up on value, and not upon hours. What longterm value are you bringing to a client? Let's...

about 2 months ago • 2 min read

Futureproof yourself from the Onslaught of A.I. Greetings from Troy,Did you know that Storytelling has been proven to increases the value of products by up to 2,706%? (Significant Objects) An experiment conducted by journalist Robert Walker, in collaboration with writer John Glenn looked at the potential impact storytelling could have on the perceived value of products. According to the research, when a story was paired with an item, it increased the overall perceived value of the product by...

2 months ago • 1 min read
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